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Common Nightmare Disorder Treatment Options

Several treatment options are available to help reduce nightmares. This section outlines three widely-used treatments. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised to determine the most suitable option. It’s crucial to recognize that individual experiences with Nightmare Disorder can vary, leading to different effectiveness levels for each treatment.

Treatment Options: IRT

  • Image Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) is one of the options to consider for those dealing with nightmares, especially those linked to PTSD. It’s good to know that while IRT has been helpful for some, it’s part of a range of treatments, and its effectiveness can vary from person to person.
  • IRT is a method where you recall your nightmare, write it down, and then change it into a less upsetting story. This new version of the dream is then mentally rehearsed while you are awake. The goal is to modify the nightmare’s narrative in your mind.
  • Studies have shown that IRT can potentially reduce the frequency of nightmares and improve sleep quality in certain cases. For example, in a study with U.S. veterans experiencing PTSD, IRT showed significant reductions in trauma-related nightmares and PTSD symptoms over time, although immediate post-treatment benefits were not observed. 【17†source】 It’s also noted that combining IRT with other treatments, like cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia, might enhance its benefits.
  • Given the variety of responses to IRT, it’s best viewed as one of several treatment avenues. Consulting with a healthcare professional is key to exploring all available treatment options and finding the most suitable approach for your individual needs【16†source】.

Treatment Options: Prazosin

  • Prazosin is a medication that has been explored as a treatment for individuals with PTSD who experience nightmares. This treatment option operates differently from therapies like Image Rehearsal Therapy (IRT), as it involves pharmacological intervention.
  • The effectiveness of Prazosin in treating PTSD-related nightmares and improving sleep quality has been studied, with mixed results. Some studies have shown that it can help reduce nightmares and improve overall PTSD symptoms. However, the results are not consistent across all studies. A notable point is that the largest trial in a recent meta-analysis showed a strong placebo effect, especially for nightmares, which suggests that the actual effectiveness of Prazosin might be less pronounced than earlier believed 【31†source】.
  • One significant consideration when thinking about Prazosin is its side effects, which can be prohibitive for some individuals. The side effects can range from mild to severe, and this varies from person to person. It’s essential to weigh these potential side effects against the benefits of reduced nightmares and better sleep.
  • Given the varying effectiveness and the potential for side effects, it’s important to approach Prazosin as one among several treatment options. It is crucial to have a detailed discussion with a healthcare provider to determine whether Prazosin is appropriate for your specific condition and to explore all available treatment options.

Treatment Options: Nightware

  • NightWare is a unique, digital therapeutic system designed to help adults aged 22 and older who are suffering from Nightmare Disorder or nightmares associated with PTSD. It’s important to note that NightWare is not intended as a standalone therapy for PTSD but is used in conjunction with other prescribed medications and recommended therapies under the supervision of a healthcare provider.
  • In 2020, the FDA designated NightWare as a Breakthrough Device and cleared it for use, recognizing the need for new treatments for conditions that are life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating and where there is an unmet medical need 【41†source】. This designation also acknowledges that preliminary clinical evidence suggests the treatment may result in substantial improvement on a clinically significant endpoint.
  • NightWare works by utilizing a smartwatch that tracks the user’s sleep patterns, including heart rate, movement, and body positioning to detect when nightmares are occurring. The system then intervenes by sending a vibration through the smartwatch to interrupt the nightmare, without fully waking the patient, and improve overall sleep quality. The treatment is tailored based on each patient’s unique sleep patterns and adjusts its interventions as it learns more about the patient’s sleep. This therapy is considered a low-risk treatment option 【42†source】.
  • It’s also crucial to note that NightWare’s safety and efficacy are supported by data from an ongoing randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. The trial aims to generate a larger body of evidence by expanding to additional study sites and conducting new studies. Also, it is important to note that NightWare does have a contradiction for use in patients who sleepwalk.
  • For patients with Nightmare Disorder or PTSD-related nightmares, NightWare offers a novel approach to improving sleep quality. However, as with any medical treatment, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if NightWare is suitable for your specific needs and to discuss how it can be integrated with other treatment options【43†source】[Source1].

Healthy Sleep Habits

Establish a relaxing bedtime routine

  • Turn off electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime
  • Don’t eat a large meal before bedtime. If hungry at night, eat a light, healthy snack
  • Avoid consuming caffeine in the afternoon or evening
  • Avoid consuming alcohol before bedtime
  • Reduce your fluid intake before bedtime

Don’t go to bed unless you are sleepy

  • If you don’t fall asleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed. Go do a quiet activity without a lot of light exposure. It is especially important to not get on electronics
  • Use your bed only for sleep and sex

Keep a consistent sleep schedule

  • Get up at the same time every day, even on weekends or during vacations
  • Set a bedtime that is early enough for you to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep

Exercise regularly + maintain a healthy diet

  • Exercise at moderate intensity for at minimum of 30 minutes a day, five days each week
  • Focus on a variety of nutrient-dense foods

Make your bedroom quiet and relaxing

  • Keep the room at a comfortable, cool temperature
  • Limit exposure to bright light in the evenings

Website Resource Links

This link leads to the Mayo Clinic’s comprehensive overview of Nightmare Disorder. It offers detailed information about the disorder’s symptoms, causes, and when to see a doctor. The page also provides insights into risk factors, complications, prevention, and how Nightmare Disorder is diagnosed and treated, all while emphasizing its impact on quality of life.


The Cleveland Clinic’s page on Nightmare Disorder offers a comprehensive look at the condition, including an overview, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options. It details the varying severity and duration of the disorder, explores who it affects, and discusses its commonality. The page also delves into potential therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy-based treatments, and possible medication options, providing a holistic understanding of Nightmare Disorder.


This article from Verywell Health provides insights on some of the options regarding natural sleep aids as well as tips to get a better night’s rest.


The NightWare website offers information about their prescription digital therapeutic system designed for adults aged 22 and older with Nightmare Disorder or PTSD-related nightmares. It details how NightWare, an FDA-cleared device, uses technology to monitor and intervene in sleep disturbances caused by nightmares. The site explains the system’s operation, its status as a low-risk treatment, and mentions ongoing clinical trials supporting its safety and efficacy. Additional resources for both healthcare professionals and patients, including FAQs and contact information, are also available. 


The Sleep Foundation website offers a comprehensive resource on various aspects of sleep health and wellness. It includes extensive information on sleep products like mattresses, pillows, and bedding, as well as insights into sleep disorders, their symptoms, and treatments. The site also provides tips for improving sleep habits, understanding the science of sleep, and the impact of sleep on overall health. Additionally, the website covers sleep-related news and research, offering a holistic approach to understanding and improving sleep.

Patient Questions

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Wounder Warrior Deck

This presentation was created by NightWare and outlines the impact of insufficient sleep and nightmares, particularly in the context of PTSD. It emphasizes the high prevalence of nightmare disorders among individuals with PTSD, noting the significant underdiagnosis of these conditions. The document also discusses various factors contributing to insufficient sleep and nightmares, including occupational stress, lifestyle choices, and underlying medical or psychological conditions. Additionally, it provides an overview of current therapies for Nightmare Disorder, including medical management, cognitive therapies, and the use of NightWare, an FDA-cleared device leveraging technology to improve sleep quality in adults with Nightmare Disorders. Read Full PDF »